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2022年07月12日 23:12  点击:[]



2004年毕业于山东农业大学,获博士学位。主要从事植物器官发育的信号转导和光合作用逆境响应的分子机理研究。近年来先后在Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry等杂志发表多篇高水平的研究论文。主讲《无机及分析化学》、《分子生物学实验》、《生物标本制作》等课程。


1. 植物器官发育的信号转导

2. 植物光合作用逆境响应的分子机理


1. 拟南芥IDD介导器官大小调控的分子机制, 山东省教育厅, 主持,2018.01-2020.123


1. Defeng Shu, Liyan Wang, Ming Duan, Yongsheng Deng, Qingwei Meng*, Antisense-mediated depletion of tomato chloroplast glutathione reductase enhances susceptibility to chilling stress, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2011, 49:1228-1237. (影响因子2.724)

2. Xiaoduo Lu, Dijun Chen, Defeng Shu, Zhao Zhang, Weixuan Wang, Christian Klukas, Ling-ling Chen, Yunliu Fan, Ming Chen, Chunyi Zhang*, The differential transcription network between embryo and endosperm in the early developing maize seed, Plant Physiology, 2013, 162:440-455. (影响因子7.054)

3. Na Sui, Meng Li, De-feng Shu, Shi-Jie Zhao and Qing-Wei Meng*, Antisense-mediated depletion of tomato chloroplast glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase affects male fertility and increases thermal tolerance. Physiologia Plantarum, 2007, 130:301-314. (影响因子2.693)

4. Weihong Sun, Ming Duan, Defeng Shu, Sha Yang, Qing-Wei Meng*, Over-expression of StAPX in tobacco improves seed germination and increases early seedling tolerance to salinity and osmotic stresses, Plant Cell Report, 2010, 29:917-926. (影响因子2.391)